Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Subverting the 1st Via Subverting the 4th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution

They ADMIT IT! - the premise of my blog
"Free Speech Beneath U.S. Homeland Security"

Subverting the 1st via the 4th: A Checklist

The Sell Out of the South Capitol Mall

South Mall Blogger Ambushed, Arrested

Continuing Counter Reformation Introduction

After putting out this blog for just over 4 months about the U.S. government’s betrayal of its 1990s-2001 promise for a Washington, D.C. South Capitol Street-Frederick Douglass Mall, about 20+ black suited police, including Federal, on August 5, 2006, ambush me upon false pretext (non-existent traffic violations) … one of these officers comments to me that he has been “researching” me. I have no previous criminal record. [and the police video was "just grey static"]

There is a time line that suggests this was triggered through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security by those displeased with my writings questioning the role of Roman Catholic Church hierarchy in the planning for the South Capitol Street corridor, particularly regarding an apparent opposition to any relocation of that corridor’s sole nice building in the right of way for the new park: St. Vincent DePaul Church.


Follow the links for more of the story...
Free Speech Beneath United States Homeland Security

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