Sunday, September 16, 2007

Tupper Saussy: Abiding Religious War #3

Abiding in Religious War / 3
by Tupper Saussy

To underwrite war was as easy as designing a menace that existing resources could not overcome, which necessitated borrowing. Borrowing created indebtedness, but the indebtedness was dignified with circulation as currency, so who complained over a greater abundance of currency? Abundance of currency might results in stratospheric prices, but not if enough could be “sunk,” that is, retired from circulation through the instrument of income taxation. Income tax laws also influenced spending habits in ways most beneficial to the money creators.

The money deception should not have buffaloed the biblicists, but it did. The Bible quite unsophisticatedly calls debt money that masquerades as gold and silver “a false balance” (Proverbs 11:1). Dollars of indebtedness marketed as Dollars of money are clearly “divers weights, and divers measures”condemned in Proverbs 20:10, which goes on to say “both of them are alike abomination to the Lord.” Too, every time we endorse a check, every time we accept Federal Reserve cash, we make ourselves surety for the amout of debt represented. We guarantee the debt will be paid. Although it feels great receiving debt money, it's a form of addiction that—like smoking or recreational drugs—can lead to terrible consequences. The Bible strenuously warns against it: “He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.” (Proverbs 11:15)

The phenomenon by which Congress placed America, and by domino effect the world, on the abomination of a divers-weight-divers-measures monetary system happened in three steps over some 55 years.

* Step 1. In 1913, Congress established the Federal Reserve system and authorized it to create an expanding currency, along with a bureau of internal revenue to regulate its volume. The currency was redeemable in gold and silver, pursuant to the Bible (“The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.”– Haggai 2:8), and Article I Section 10 of the Constitution (“No State shall make any Thing but Gold and Silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”).

* Step 2. In 1933, with Article I Section 10 still in effect, a presidential executive order from Franklin D. Roosevelt prohibited redemption of Federal Reserve currency in promised gold. This meant there was now a note called Dollar and a weight of gold called Dollar, and the two were not freely exchangeable both ways.

* Step 3. Finally, with Article I Section10 still in effect, Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1965, which enforced acceptance of Dollar paper, Dollar monetized Federal Reserve debt, and cheap copper Dollar tokens as payment of debts contracted in Dollar silver. During 1967, promises of redemption in Dollar silver engraved on Dollar currency ceased to be honored in banks or the United States Treasury, and new currency was printed with no Dollar promises at all.

It had taken 55 years, but the American people had made themselves surety for their government's unchecked indebtedness to the Federal Reserve. This meant that the tithes paid to and received by all Christian churches, not to mention Jewish synagogues and Muslim mosques, were making those institutions surety for governmental borrowing. Worse, the tithes consisted of a substance declared an abomination by Yahweh and Allah alike, since Islamic Law does not permit the use of a promise of payment as a medium of exchange.

Under the holy monetary system, since gold and silver can only be earned into irculation, money is a reward for labor. Under the “abomination standard,” money is created and regulated by licensed dignitaries to reward, first, their chosen projects and afterward the labor of all who buy and sell using the abomination.

Divers weights and measures is the system that sustains an autocracy which creates the money to pay for its invisibility while it regulates the value of all property, liberty, and life by expanding and contracting the money supply—which happens when the Federal Reserve Chairman lowers or raises the interest rates on indebtedness.

This cannot easily be done with constitutional and biblical gold and silver. It is doable only with the people's love of a false balance and their disregard for the biblical admonitions on suretiship. Debt money is the ideal medium for an evil-tending society, funding war as well as anti-war, drug addiction as well as rehabilitation, and criminal activity as well as its prosecution. The scriptures do not lie when they say “Love of money is the root of all evil.”

While American money was disintegrating and the unperceived autocracy increasing its hold, devout Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims might have united in a firm stand on Proverbs 11:15 —"He that hateth suretiship is sure," and Deuteronomy 25:15 — "Thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." They might have made provisions to coin God's own property themselves, gold and silver, as money for use among members and acceptable as tithes. There is no law prohibiting this, the people of God have a right to do this, and it might even have pressured Congress into restoring constitutional money.

In fact, the only religious minister I know of who dared talk about the nature of debt-based money was a Roman Catholic priest named Charles Coughlin. Reaching millions during the 1930s via costly NBC and CBS radio broadcasts supported by enthusiastic grassroots contributors, Father Coughlin rudely exposed the Roosevelt administration’s subtle war on constitutional monetary value.

The Vatican supported Roosevelt. Coughlin’s popularity was a concern. His monetary preaching had become an obstacle to the president’s 1940 re-election campaign. In 1939, Jesuit Superior General Vladimir Ledochowsk sent Vatican Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli to New York with secret orders for Father Coughlin. His Eminence, soon to become Pius XII (ordained “Hitler’s Pope” by Catholic historian John Cornwell), told Coughlin personally to shut up lest Roosevelt lose the election. Coughlin obeyed, closed his show, and spent the remaining 39 years of his life off the airwaves.

American Jesuits, who are famous for their secular politico-economic activism, have never lifted a finger to urge the states to obey Article I Section 10 of the Constitution and make no thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.

(Imagine the stabilizing political and economic impact of a papal encyclical authorizing American bishops to provide a biblical coinage to (a) purify the tithes of 50,000,000 Catholics and (b) preserve the value of their trades!)

Most people, even the captains of the money business, really don't know the first thing about American money. When you have the time, set aside a few days to study A Caveat Against Injustice, the classic treatise by the framer of Article 1 Section 10, Roger Sherman.

Iinfluential Protestant evangelicals (not to mention their counterparts among the Jews and Muslims) have ignored the money as well. Clearly, the Church of Rome and its captive faiths have no desire to encourage Americans to know the biblical mandate for a perfect and just monetary system. One of religious war's chief objectives is to keep populations heavily indebted. Religious war cannot survive without it.

I don’t use the term “captive faiths” unadvisedly. According to Church doctrine, and this is essential to understanding religious war, all faiths are subject to the Roman Pontiff.

6. The ultimate authority in religious war is the Roman Church Militant.

The Church Militant still enforces the declaration made in 1302 by Pope Boniface VIII that "To be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every human creature altogether necessary for salvation." If you disagree with this proposition, you are subject to conversion or annihilation— unless your disagreement is expressed in a form useful to the Church, such as influencing others to disagree with the proposition, or downplaying the Bible. If you agree, you are required to live in obedience to the law of the Church. These would seem to be the only available choices.

But there is a third, one that agrees with the proposition yet excludes you from obedience to Church law. The third choice hinges on an objective determination of who is in need of salvation.

One cannot need salvation unless one is lost or endangered. Therefore, human creatures for whom salvation is necessary are those who are lost, or otherwise at peril. The Bible and the Roman Pontiff agree that all mankind is lost, in that we all fall short of the perfection required by God's justice to avoid the horrible consequences of sin, first brought to flesh by Adam's disobedience.

The Bible and the Roman Pontiff also agree that any who desire to be spared these consequences have only to immerse themselves in the safeguard, the salvific process, established by God before the foundation of the world. The process involves admitting one's sinful nature and seeking and receiving forgiveness and perennial guidance from the spirit of Jesus Christ. Until saved, according to the Bible and the Roman Pontiff, human creatures are lost from God, in great peril, terribly endangered.

All ways of life but the Christian deny the necessity of salvation. Ironically, their mere denial places them in the sphere of the Roman Pontiff. In the eyes of both Bible and Roman Pontiff, denying the necessity of salvation constitutes an admission of the need to be saved, which the Roman Pontiff correctly sees as a grant of jurisdiction by operation of law.

Thus, the adherents of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Freemasonry, Gnosticism, Deism, LDS, Astrology, Agnosticism, Pantheism, Atheism and all other spiritual disciplines, by their denial that Christ saves or that salvation is necessary, make themselves subject to – and can be legislated, judged, and executed upon by – the Roman Catholic Church. That this condition is widely unperceived is owed, in my opinion, to the extraordinary military skills of the Jesuits.

Once a person is saved, of course, it would seem salvation is no longer needed, and that the Roman jurisdiction would atrophy. A truly saved person is no longer lost, imperiled, endangered. His body is now the habitation of Christ's holy, self-ruling spirit with its fruit of “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance – against which there is no law” (Galatians 5:22).

This is so with many saved people, but not within the Church Militant.

The Roman Pontiff sustains general jurisdiction over Catholics by asserting that the salvific process can only be completed by pious works that must be performed throughout one's lifetime and beyond. This, despite the Bible's affirmation that salvation is completed only by Christ himself, and that pious works are merely evidence that one has been saved. With its doctrine of relative or incomplete salvation, the Church Militant keeps its congregations absolutely in need of salvation.

The Roman Pontiff and his administrative hierarchy openly display the seals, titles, and ceremonial sacraments authorizing them to rule every unsaved human creature. These are not paraphernalia of ancient Christianity but of ancient Babylon. (For example, the papal distinction Pontifex maximus – “sovereign bridge-builder”– is a Babylonian term bequeathed to the Roman caesars and never contemporaneously applied to any disciple or apostle of Jesus.) In fact, abundant evidence suggests that this Babylonian link originates in the mark God placed upon Cain. This mark gave Cain, and apparently his spiritual descendants, immunity from, and sevenfold vengeance against, assailants — an obviously practical reason for Jesus to command his followers to love their enemies.

In concert with their delegates in the secular political sphere, the hierarchy of Church Militant do indeed function in “the way of Cain” for the preservation of order and justice in an evil world. The attack on America appears to have been a disciplinary action meant to recruit the dedication of more human creatures, more human resources, in this task

Tupper Saussy: Abiding Religious War #4 (of 5)

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